CfP: Research Across Boundaries: Challenges of Interdisciplinary Work in the Context of Law

Call for Papers | REWI-Graz Day of IN(ter)DI(sciplinary) Research 2021
Research Across Boundaries: Challenges of Interdisciplinary Work in the Context of Law
Interested participants should submit the following information to

  • title of the paper,
  • thematic area the paper belongs to,
  • an abstract of no more than 500 words,
  • author name, affiliation and biographical details,
  • contact details.

Deadline for submission is 30th October 2020. All abstracts will be reviewed by the organisational committee and selections announced by 15th December 2020. Formal registration for the conference will be possible from 15th March 2021. Working language will be English. Accepted papers will be published in the Austrian Law Journal’s Summer edition (presupposing a positive outcome of the peer review process).