Stellenausschreibung: Tenure Track Professur (Postdoc-Assistent/in, Assistenzprofessor/in, Assoziierte/er Professor/in) Am Institut für Technik- und Wissenschaftsforschung / Department of Science, Technology & Society Studies der Universität Klagenfurt


CfP: 8th Workshop of Unintended Consequences: "Expected Inequalities and Unintended Symmetries” (11-12 May 2020 in Warsaw, Poland).


CfP: GEGNET: A Complex System Vision on Global Governance and Policy Modelling (9 th WCSA WORLWIDE CONFERENCE Ischia, Italy March 23 rd – March 25 th , 2020)


CfP: CfP: International Research Conference Decent Care Work? Transnational Home Care Arrangements (Goethe University Frankfurt am Main/Germany, 27-29 May 2020)


CfP: Erkundungen des Ungewohnten. Empirisches Forschen in außergewöhnlichen Kontexten Sozialwissenschaftliche Fachtagung an der Universität Passau, 5./6. Juni 2020


CfP: Call for Papers for a special issue of the „Journal of Higher Education Research“: Treating patients, doing research and teaching students. Challenges and opportunities for university medicine.


CfP: hematic session 12: Taking Stock: Thirty Years of Transformation of Journalistic Labour 2020 Nordic Working Life Conference 10–12 June 2020 Faculty of Social Sciences, Aaalborg University, Denmark


CfA: European Research Council (ERC) Starting and Consolidator Grants in the humanities and social sciences from Central, Eastern and South – Eastern Europe. Mentoring Initiative – The Institute for Human Sciences Wienna & Polish Academy of Sciences
