Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (PVA Wien)

Zur Ausschreibung (pdf)

Student Project Assistent (University of Vienna, Department of Sociology)

Redirection to the website of the University of Vienna

Scientific Director (IHS Vienna)

The Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS) is pleased to announce the position of the Scientific Director of the Institute. The appointment is for a term of five years, reappointment is possible. The salary will reflect the scope of duties and be based on remunerations in comparable positions at universities and non- university research institutions.
IHS is an independent, non-profit and non-university research institute in Vienna (Austria). Since its founding as an economic and social research institute in 1963, IHS was always striving for excellence and has combined academic and applied research. Partly publicly and partly project funded, the Institute employs about 100 researchers and around 25 PhD candidates and brings together high-level expertise from various disciplines (primarily economics, sociology, and political science,) to address fundamental economic and social problems and policy choices.
Since 2016, the Institute has undergone a profound and successful renewal process, including an external evaluation by a panel of internationally renowned scholars in the previous year. The institute is currently in the early stages of implementing its new medium-term plan. The new scientific director is expected to build on the achievements of recent years and to continue this process.

More Information (pdf)

Tenure-Track Professur (Universität Wien)

Digital Health Governance | Weiterleitung zu Stellenausschreibung

Universitätsassistent*in mit Doktorat/Ph.D (JKU Linz)

Abteilung für Gesellschaftstheorie und Sozialanalysen | Weiterleitung zu Stellenausschreibung (pdf)

3 Professuren (Universität Saarland)

  • W3-Professur für Politikwissenschaft mit Schwerpunkt Europäische Integration und Internationale Beziehungen
  • W2-Professur für Politikwissenschaft (mit Tenure Track auf W3) mit Schwerpunkt komparative Europaforschung
  • W3-Professur für Soziologie mit Schwerpunkt Europa
Nähere Informationen auf der Website der Universität Saarland.