Co-Chairs (MethodsNET)

Co-Chairs (MethodsNET)

MethodsNET is inviting scholars to be a part of the Methods Excellence Network’s grand launch events from October 30 to November 2, 2024, in Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, for three events:

  • ‚Training the Trainers‘ Event (Oct 30)
  • MethodsNET Launch Conference (Oct 31 & Nov 1)
  • ‚Methods Innovation Workshops‘ Event (Nov 1 & Nov 2)

The Co-Chairs will play a pivotal role in refining event concepts, schedules, and programs, drafting comprehensive event descriptions and calls for contributions, contributing insights to the event budget, participating in the selection process for proposals and participants, attending the entirety of the events, and engaging in post-event debrief sessions with the MethodsNET Executive Board. In return, MethodsNET offers full back-office support, including admin/IT assistance, ongoing support from the Executive Board, and coverage of travel, accommodation, and catering expenses.

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