Technology, the Environment, and the Future of Europe (New York University)

Technology, the Environment, and the Future of Europe
Remarque Institute, New York University

The Remarque Institute is delighted to announce Technology, the Environment, and the Future of Europe, a new Initiative that we are undertaking thanks to a generous grant from the Open Society Foundations. The Technology, the Environment, and the Future of Europe (TEFE) Initiative aims to reboot and foreground the study of European politics in the Anthropocene. It is devoted to the multidisciplinary, intersectional study of technology and the environment and its profound effects now and well into the future on Europe, both in the domestic and international spheres. Of particular interest to us are the often-conjoined opportunities and challenges of technology and the environment as these determine the future of democracy as well as the transformation of civil society, work, the public sphere, and the decision-making of electorates.

Visiting Fellowships and Graduate Fellowships are semester-long, corresponding to NYU’s academic calendar. All four fellows would receive an office at Remarque and visiting scholar status to use NYU’s libraries, databases, facilities, and privileges; all four would also receive a stipend. Visiting Fellows also receive an apartment at no cost or an equivalent housing stipend.

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