The Sociology of Vulnerabilities and Resistance (International Conference)

Call for Papers
International Conference of the Philippine Sociological Society
Deadline: 15. Juli 2021
The International Conference invites presentations from sociologists and social scientists from around the world on research and think pieces that would generate discussion, debate, and dialogue on vulnerabilities and resistance.
This year’s theme captures the specificity of present conditions in different contexts and various domains. Lives and livelihoods as well as spaces and communities are drastically changed by health crises, ecological disasters, polarization, and political repression. Social institutions are constantly adapting to these challenges. Social relationships are being restructured and new ways of responding to the needs of the time are emerging. Novel and deviant forms of agency, social networking, and collective action that display adaptation, resilience, or resistance have emerged. How can sociological imagination make sense of all these? How might sociologists shape the ongoing conversations about a rapidly changing social context?
As the Philippines and governments around the world continue to grapple with the risks brought by the coronavirus pandemic, which continue to intensify and pronounce already-existing inequalities and vulnerabilities, individuals and social institutions are constantly adapting to its challenges. Social relationships are being restructured and new ways of responding to the needs of the time are emerging. It is then useful to examine the brand of leadership and governance that is needed to navigate us through these challenges. How might sociologists participate in this nationwide deliberation?
This conference seeks to bring in a range of diverse voices that can problematize, theorize, and empirically analyze the various experiences of vulnerability, precarity and resistance. This conference invites papers in various fields of sociological study that explains these forces as they affect individual actors, social networks, and governance.

  • Sociology of risk
  • Risk and Resilience
  • Uncertainty and Governance
  • Sociology of Health
  • Mental Health
  • Environmental Sociology
  • Narratives of Risks and Pandemic
  • Inequality and Social Vulnerability
  • Risk Communication
  • Indigenous Responses to Risks
  • Globalization of Risks
  • Risk, Crime, and Policing
  • Framing and Representations of Risks
  • Public Protest, Risk and Regulation
  • Sense-Making of Uncertainty

Conference – Poster
Conference – Call for Paper

Pandemische Verhältnisse und nationalisierte Solidarität in der Migrationsgesellschaft

Call for Abstracts
Gemeinsamer Soziologiekongress der DGS und ÖGS in Wien (23.-25. August 2021)
Sektionsveranstaltung der Schwesternorganisation der ÖGS „Migrations- und Rassismusforschung“ und der DGS „Migration und ethnische Minderheiten“

Call for Book Proposals on Social Justice

Cambridge Scholars Publishing

Multidimensional Risks in the XXI Century – Special stream on the Metropolis

ISA and ESA Sociology of Risk and Uncertainty
October 20-21, 2021
CfP Deadline: May 16, 2021

Rethinking the Free Time/Work Time Divide

Université Paris-Est Créteil, France
October-December 2021
Deadline: May 3, 2021

Economic Sociology of Innovation

Economic Sociology of Innovation
Goethe University Frankfurt
Frankfurt am Main, Germany
December 3-4, 2021
Abstracts: April 16, 2021

Robert K Merton’s Normative Structure at 80 (Serendipities)

Weiterleitung zum Call for Submissions (pdf)

Sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung auf Distanz? Methodologische, methodische und epistemologische Herausforderungen (Soziologiekongress)

Weiterleitung zum Call for Papers (pdf)